Metal Maven – Dr. Tracy Kennedy & Techno Goddess – Heather Fraser bringing you The Everyday Empaths Show. Hear some great music and conversation about the emotions that music evokes, what music & musicians contribute to our lives, and some real talk about living as an Empath in today’s world. Join us for the tunez, the feelz, and lots of topics to chew on. Hosted by Niagara Community Radio and Produced by Dermott McGrath.
Check us out on Soundcloud & Follow us on Instagram! @theeverydayempaths @tkempath @heatherfraserart @niagaracommunityradio
Dr. Tracy Kennedy is an Empath, Psychic Medium, Sidereal Astrologist, Reiki Master, Registered Yoga Teacher, Writer, Artist, Photographer, Metal Lover, & Spiritual Rocker. Compiling her knowledge and experience from over a thousand client sessions and hundreds of classes and workshops, Tracy’s books, courses, and podcasts helps Empaths understand the gift of feeling, how to navigate the feelz, and what it takes to live an authentic and joyful life. Music has always helped Tracy do just that – to be real and be happy. As a child of avid music lovers – and a father in the Rockabilly Hall-of-Fame, Music was always part of her daily experiences, and importantly her emotional self-care. Tracy played the trumpet as a child, traveling with her school band, and she participated in numerous choirs and musicals in her young adult years. As a Yoga Teacher and Energy Healer, she incorporates the Vibroacoustics of Tuning Forks and Crystal Bowls, music, and singing into her classes and sessions. Tracy also loves Karaoke and can be heard singing Metallica and Rammstein.
Heather Fraser is an emerging visual artist from Niagara Falls, Canada. Since childhood, Heather has explored illustration, photography, spiritual discovery, and has always used art as the primary means of emotional expression. In the early 2000s, she shifted her focus to the study of the spiritual world. From here, Heather began creating more meaningful art, sparking deep dialogues with like-minded peers. In recent years, she has built an impressive body of work with her online talk radio show, The Heather Report on 4680q.ca. This was followed by receiving the Niagara Prosperity Initiative Grant for furniture design and rounding out her love of performance art as an invited guest illustrator/speaker for the MoMondays Speaker Series. Currently, she is finding joy as a freelance mixed media artist and looking to create meaningful connections to music and the arts. Heather dreams of having The Everyday Empaths Show be globally accessible, while helping people cope with thoughts and feelings, and refining her skills as a practicing empath.
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